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Pulse PCN Newcastle

5 September 2024


Stream 1

8:45 am
Networking breakfast

Delegates are advised to check-in at registration by 9 am

9:30 am
Chair’s opening remarks

Dr Sameena Hasan, GP and Co-clinical Lead Deep End Network Northeast and North Cumbria

Beth Gault, Senior reporter, Pulse PCN and Healthcare Leader

9:35 am
Personalisation of long-term conditions management
  • Population Health Management
  • Population Segmentation
  • Innovative use of ARRS staff

Dr David Fitzsimons, Board Member, Venn Primary Care Network, Clinical Lead for Primary Care, City Healthcare Partnership, GP with Extended Role in Frailty

10:10 am
Why should your PCN use group clinics to better integrate your team?

Professor Fraser Birrell, BSLM Director of Science and Research

10:45 am
Refreshment break
11:15 am
Reshaping primary care with data

Practices and PCNs are more stretched than ever – navigating through QoF, IIF, CQC, local/regional ICS targets, changing regulations and rising demand from complex, multimorbid patients. We will share results/experiences from 30 ICS regions, demonstrate best practice, and outline new features including personalised questionnaires and remote monitoring.

Umar Naeem Ahmad, CEO, Abtrace

Dr Amina Siddiqui, GP

Sponsored by:

11:50 am
Automating patient registrations
  • The presentation focuses on streamlining and improving the patient onboarding process
  • We go into detail about how we have liberated 59 years’ worth of of NHS admin time, whilst maintaining a best-in-class patient experience
  • We talk about how PCNs can support their practices in the transition towards automation

Alex Facey, Growth Specialist, Healthtech-1

Sponsored by:

12:25 pm
Networking lunch and exhibition
1:15 pm
Pride in Practice: Understanding and overcoming the barriers to access for LGBTQ+ people in primary care
  • Historical and current context
  • Key barriers
  • Taking action

Alex Matheson, Director of inclusion, LGBT Foundation

1:50 pm
Meeting sustainability targets
  • How are planetary and human health connected?
  • What do NHS and CQC requirements mean for PCNs?
  • How can PCNs engage with environmental sustainability?

Dr Aarti Bansal, GP, Founder of Greener Practice CIC, HNY ICB Clinical Sustainability Lead, Honorary Senior Lecturer HYMS

2:25 pm
Refreshment break
2:40 pm
Doing more with less: preventing CVD and simplifying care

Dr Aseem Mishra, GP, Bowland Medical Practice, Wythenshawe, Clinical Lead - Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Greater Manchester NHS Integrated Care System

3:15 pm
Delivering Population Health Management
  • The theory and practice of PHM – The key enablers and 9 steps to success
  • An example of successful PHM in Central Halifax PCN Calderdale – From data to delivery

Dr Helen Davies, GP Clinical lead for community integration and population health management, Calderdale Cares ICB (West Yorkshire ICS)

3:50 pm
Health Inequalities – severe and multiple disadvantage
  • The need for System Change
  • Multi-agency response
  • Trauma Informed Practice

Debbie McKinney, Changing Futures Manager, Hull City Council

4:15 pm
Conference ends

*Please note, this information is correct at the current time. Cogora reserve the right to amend content without prior warning.

** We would like to thank our exhibitors and sponsors for sponsoring this meeting. This includes pharmaceutical company Lupin Healthcare. They have had no editorial input into or control over the agenda, content development or choice of speakers, nor opportunity to influence except for the sponsored symposia presentations.


Dr Helen Davies

Dr Helen Davies

GP Clinical lead for community integration and population health management, Calderdale Cares ICB (West Yorkshire ICS)

Helen has been a GP in the NHS for over 30 years. She is committed to driving system integration of care to deliver improved outcomes for people, by creative redesign of care pathways, intelligent use of digitalisation and data, and workforce revisioning. 

For much of her career she has been a GP trainer and a course organiser and professional GP appraiser. Her leadership and board level experience Calderdale Cares Partnership ICB, where she is the clinical lead for Community Integration and Population Health Management and Digital and is passionate about addressing inequalities. She has strong interest in leading multi-disciplinary teams. She also works as a consultant to a number of different digital companies. She is a keen horse rider and fell runner. 

Dr Amina Siddiqui

Dr Amina Siddiqui


Umar Naeem Ahmad

Umar Naeem Ahmad

CEO, Abtrace

Dr Aseem Mishra

Dr Aseem Mishra

GP, Bowland Medical Practice, Wythenshawe, Clinical Lead - Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Greater Manchester NHS Integrated Care System

Dr Aseem Mishra, is a General Practitioner and Clinical Lead for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention at NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care System. He specialises in implementing innovative solutions such as the GM CVD Toolkits and CVNeed prioritization tool to complex problems, aimed at improving the quality of care and staff experience.
With expertise in Public Health, GPIT, psychology and behaviour change, Aseem has experience in redesigning care pathways at multiple levels. He has led projects like Stockport BPM@Home and the GM Heartbeat project, integrating home monitoring into primary care and supports the Proactive Care PCN Pilots across GM.

Alex Matheson

Alex Matheson

Director of inclusion, LGBT Foundation

Alex Matheson is the Director of Inclusion for LGBT Foundation, her remit covers Pride in Practice (an LGBTQ+ inclusion scheme for Primary care), Training Academy and all aspects of Policy and insight.

Alex has a background in community healthcare and complaints management, and is a member of the LGBTQ+ community. She is passionate about creating opportunities to make meaningful change in the healthcare experiences of LGBT+ people, not only for patients but also for members of staff.

Professor Fraser Birrell

Professor Fraser Birrell

BSLM Director of Science and Research

Fraser is Consultant Rheumatologist Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Professor of Lifestyle Medicine & Innovation Newcastle University, Visiting Professor Northumbria University, Adjunct Professor Southern Cross University

Engagement Lead, MRC-Versus Arthritis Centre for Integrated Research into Musculoskeletal Ageing, Director of Science & Research, British Society of Lifestyle Medicine. Editor-in-Chief, Wiley open access journal ‘Lifestyle Medicine’. Senior author of An Essential Book of MCQs for Certification in Lifestyle Medicine.

Clinician, educator & researcher: PhD, Dip Clin Ed and the highest UK educational recognition, Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. British Society for Rheumatology Young Investigator & Innovation in Development awards, plus Arthritis Research UK Epidemiology Training Fellowship, plus Royal College of Physicians Excellence in Patient Care Awards Lancet Research Award (shortlist) for whole pathway group consultations work. Sir Jules Thorn Trust funded NIHR CRN-adopted national evaluation study. Inaugural Fellowship of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and passionate advocate for Lifestyle Medicine globally.

Dr Aarti Bansal

Dr Aarti Bansal

GP, Founder of Greener Practice CIC, HNY ICB Clinical Sustainability Lead, Honorary Senior Lecturer HYMS

Aarti is a GP in Sheffield and the Clinical Sustainability Lead for Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. She founded the Greener Practice network in 2017 to enable primary care to move towards environmentally sustainable healthcare. Aarti has a background in medical education and has contributed to Health Education England and RCGP’s planetary health curriculum for GPs. She has a particular interest in asthma care and has led the development of Greener Practice’s high quality and low carbon asthma care, quality improvement toolkit. She regularly talks and writes about how sustainable healthcare supports a positive vision of better health for people and communities.

Debbie McKinney

Debbie McKinney

Changing Futures Manager, Hull City Council

Debbie is the Changing Futures Service Manager for Hull City Council having previously established the Complex Lives Alliance in Doncaster, a multi-agency approach to multiple disadvantage and rough sleeping. This developed from six workers and a spreadsheet to a national award-winning alliance that achieved some amazing results. Prior to this Debbie has managed women’s services as well as alcohol and drugs services in both Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.  

Working in homelessness and rough sleeping is more of a passion than a job role to Debbie. It is both challenging and rewarding and working in this area gives both Debbie and the teams the chance to make massive changes to people’s lives and make a real difference.

Dr David Fitzsimons

Dr David Fitzsimons

Board Member, Venn Primary Care Network, Clinical Lead for Primary Care, City Healthcare Partnership, GP with Extended Role in Frailty

David is an experienced GP Partner, Clinical Director and CCG Board Member. He has previously been Clinical Director for 2 PCN’s within East Riding. He now has a portfolio career working for a number of different organisations. He has a long-standing interest in personalised care, population health management, collaboration across organisations and new ways of working. His approaches look at how we can get improved outcomes whilst dealing with financial and workforce challenges.

Dr Sameena Hasan

Dr Sameena Hasan

GP and Co-clinical Lead Deep End Network Northeast and North Cumbria

Dr Sameena Hassan qualified as a GP in 2012 and worked in various settings from urgent care to practice partner in a semi-rural area. Sameena now works as a sessional GP, focussing her work in areas of deprivation. Sameena holds a Postgraduate Certificate in leadership in health and social care and held various leadership roles over the last 10 years.  Most recently Sameena was the PCN Clinical Director in Outer West Gateshead until 2022 and Research and Development GP lead in Newcastle GP Services federation until May 2024. For the last 4 years she has held the position of co-clinical lead for Deep End GP Network which supports practices working in areas of blanket deprivation across Northeast and North Cumbria.

Beth Gault

Beth Gault

Senior reporter, Pulse PCN and Healthcare Leader

Beth Gault is a senior reporter at Pulse PCN and Healthcare Leader. She has worked as a journalist for the past nine years, spending six of those writing for healthcare titles. @bethhopegault

Alex Facey

Alex Facey

Growth Specialist, Healthtech-1

At Healthtech-1, we’re on a mission to give NHS staff one less task. With 7 years of experience as a Physician Associate across GP practices in Manchester, Alex has seen first hand the impact automation can have on primary care and wants to help other practices adopt innovations that give their staff time back. He was shortlisted in the National GP Awards 2020 for his work around digital access and care homes, and was a speaker at the Royal College of General Practitioners Conference in 2021 on the topic of supervision and supporting in the development of employees in General Practice.

The Pulse PCN Newcastle forum returns on 5 September 2024. It is a one day, free-to-attend conference designed specifically for PCN Clinical Directors and other senior staff.

The event format combines expert session with networking opportunities with your peers. You will also be able to engage with a handpicked selection of leading suppliers in the exhibition hall, and enjoy a complimentary buffet lunch.

The goal of the Newcastle Pulse PCN Event is to support you and your team when it comes to overcoming the major challenges standing in the way of effective care.

Tickets will be available soon.


Address: Hilton Newcastle Gateshead, Bottle Bank, Gateshead, UK

Phone: 0191 490 9700

Website: Visit website


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